About Us
Meet Dr. Thomas Jackson, D.D.S.
The Inventor Of The AutoFlosser

Dr. Jackson has served as an associate professor at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. He is a frequent lecturer both nationally and internationally on cosmetics and dental implant topics and trends. Dr. Jackson has been featured on national television (WGN), as well as in the Chicago Tribune.
Dental Floss For Implants, Bridges, Braces & Bonded Retainers
Dental professionals for more than a century have educated their patients about the critically important benefits that regular teeth flossing can provide for a lifetime of oral health.
For years, Dr. Jackson listened to his patients describe their struggles with flossing caused by solid or connected dental appliances, such as implants, bridges, crowns, braces and fixed retainers. Researching the existing marketplace for a specially designed flossing system to address these issues, Dr. Jackson was unable to find a satisfactory solution.
Hence, The AutoFlosser was born.
Dr. Jackson’s Autoflosser is a revolution in oral hygiene technology, designed for any person who cannot floss using traditional methods. The AutoFlosser is a sturdy, easy to hold device that allows users to point its tip at the exact place where they want to floss and then gently insert the floss thread via a simple turn of a wheel. The patient is then easily able to clean every area around the teeth and gumline.
In clinical tests, patients with connected appliance challenges have reported an extremely satisfying and refreshing flossing experience with Dr. Jackson’s Autoflosser.
Dr. Jackson has taken more than a quarter of a century of his direct professional experience and advanced training in periodontics and periodontal prosthesis to develop the Autoflosser. If you have trouble properly flossing due to the presence of a connected or solid dental appliance, The AutoFlosser is your solution.
Click here to learn more about how The AutoFlosser can restore the benefits, as well as that indescribable clean feeling back to your life that only regular flossing can bring.