The AutoFlosser Ambassador Rewards

Compensation is as follows

Individual and/or Team Wholesale Sales

Wholesale Silver Level 5% on all wholesale sales


Wholesale Gold If any of the following quarterly triggers are met, the commission will be 7.5% on all wholesale sales for the whole quarter

A) Selling more than 3 separate offices

B) Selling more than 5 cases (All products combined)

C) Having retail sales Exceeding $500


Wholesale Platinum If any of the following quarterly triggers are met, the commission will be 10% on all wholesale sales for the whole quarter

A) Selling more than 5 separate offices

B) Selling more than 10 cases (All products combined)

C) Having retail sales Exceeding $1000


Individual and/or Team Retail Sales

Retail Silver Level 10% on all Retail sales


Retail Gold If any of the following quarterly triggers are met, the commission will be 15% on all retail sales for the whole quarter

A) Having retail sales Exceeding $500

B) Selling more than 10 wholesale cases (All products combined)

C) Selling more than 3 separate offices wholesale


Retail Platinum If any of the following quarterly triggers are met, the commission will be 15% on all retail sales for the whole quarter

A) Having retail sales Exceeding $1000

B) Selling more than 25 wholesale cases (All products combined)

C) Selling more than 5 separate offices wholesale


Team Sales

As an AutoFlosser Ambassador, you are encouraged to Invite Others to Join your team! Invite your colleagues, friends, or other individuals to also become an AutoFlosser Ambassador. As the Inviting Ambassador, they will be added to your team and included in your qualifications (Not commissions)


Thus for example,

If you were to sell $400 in retail sales and 1 team member were to sell $600 in retail sales, you would receive 10% in that quarter on your $400 in sales


Should you AND your team exceed the highest level of commission in any category, you will get a 2.5% bump in commission (Elite Diplomate)

So, if you have retail sales of $1000 and you have at least 1 team member who has $1000 in either retail or wholesale sales, your commission rate would be 12.5% for that quarter on wholesale sales and 25% on retail sales


Diplomat Starter Kit.

We want you to be successful so we have put together a great dem kit which will include

A 1 Autoflosser with pouch, cleaning supplies and extra tip

B 3 months worth of Floss

C 1 Demo model of teeth

D 500 Business cards

E Shipping


This will cost just $50. This has a value of over $250. Not only do you get a drastic savings, but we will bump you up to the Silver level for your commissions for the first 2 quarters whether you qualify or not.


We will automatically Deposit Your Cash Rewards in your Paypal account at the beginning of each month for eligible recommendations made the previous month. Please make sure that you complete all tax documentation and PayPal registration on your Ambassador Portal to ensure that you receive payment. All quarterly bump in commissions will be paid by the 21st of the month following the quarter.



Wholesale and lab Sales Dental Offices and Dental Laboratories will be able to make bulk purchases of The AutoFlosser. Dental offices and labs may choose to either gift The AutoFlosser Basic Kit to patients or sell them within certain pricing parameters provided by the Company. A minimum of 1 case of AutoFlosser basic kits must be purchased for them to take advantage of wholesale pricing.